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We are there!!! Thank you to all!!

As you will be aware, The Village Hall Trustees with support of the Parish Council have been co-ordinating efforts to raise money for the purchase of Gallimore’s Field (the land off Bagot’s View). We are pleased to announce that the purchase has gone through as of October 2024.


Why have we bought a field?

The field was previously owned by the Gallimore family. The village hall trustees leased and maintained the field on behalf of the village so that we can all use it. As this arrangement was coming to an end, we were given the opportunity to purchase it and therefore secure it as community asset.


How you can get involved

Many thanks to those in the community who have donated money or have supported fundraising efforts. However this isnt quite the end of the story.


We would now like to get your views on how we, as the community, will use this open space. A consultation will be held at the Christmas Market on 1st December 2024. The Village Hall Trustees are also appealing for the community to get involved in the following ways:


  • A Communications Officer is urgently required - someone who has a knowledge of the various social media sites and who can publicise forthcoming events through these sites.


  • Volunteers to organise fundraising events. Could you, for example, organise a cake sale, a raffle, a sponsored event, a bring-and-buy, a craft workshop, a treasure hunt - or anything else that will help raise funds for the ongoing maintenance of the open space?


Please contact the Village Hall Secretary, Liz Lampard,



Please use GF and your name as your reference: if you would like us to confirm that we have received your donation then please email the village hall separately at so we have your contact details.


Account Name: Abbots Bromley Village Hall

HSBC Account Number: 01301519

Sort Code 40-45-38


Cheques and Cash donations are also gratefully received: these can be left at top shop or handed to village hall trustees and parish councillors: again, please put them in an envelope with your contact details so we can thank you.

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